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سر الأسد العجيب - The mystery of the wondrous lion

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سر الأسد العجيب ( للمسلمين وغير المسلمين ) هناك حجر بجسد الأسد تستحق الشقى من اجل الحصول عليها ولو يعلمها مربين او صائدي الاسود لذبحوه من اجلها وباعوها بعشرات الالاف من الدولارات واكثر فانه من علقه عليه لا يغلبه احد في المصارعة ابدا ولا يسبقه احد في الجري فهذا ينفع لممارسي رياضة المصارعة والفنون القتالية وكذا رياضة السباق وكان لحامله هيبة عظيمة كالاسد ومن حمله بين عينيه ودخل بها عند الملوك والرؤساء خضعوا له وعظموه واهابوه ومن جعله فصا في خاتمه كانت له هيبة وقبولا عظيما واجلالا عند النساء حتى يتزاحمن عليه في الاسواق ومن اكتحل به ينظر ويرى الاشياء مسافة ثلاثة ايام على الطريق وهذا من اشد العجائب وبهذا السر كانت تنظر الرزقة سلطانة اليمامة مسيرة ثلاثة ايام ومن علقه على باب داره لا يستطيع ان يدخله سارق وان اتى سارق راى اسدا باسط ذراعيه عند باب الدار فيفر السارق في وقته ولحظته باذن الله تعالى والله تعالى اعلى واعلم وهذا من اكابر أسرار حكماء الهند واليونان وتوارثها مشايخنا الافاضل انتهى... مقابل زهيد ٣٥٠٠ دولار الله اعلى وهو اعلم The mystery of the wondrous lion (For Muslims and non-Muslims) There is a stone in the lion's body worthy of the riches in order to obtain it Even if they teach them to breeders or black fishermen Slaughtered for it and sold it for tens of thousands of dollars and more For he who hanged it No one will ever overcome him in wrestling And no one is preceded by running This will benefit wrestlers and martial arts as well as racing His bearer had a great prestige as a lion And he carried it between his eyes and entered it when the kings and princes subjugated him and magnified him and called him He made him a knuckle in his ring, and he had great prestige and great respect for women So that they would come to him in the markets And he who is tempted by him shall see and see things three days in the way This is one of the wonders With this secret, Rizqa saw Sultana al-Yamamah for three days And he hung it on the door of his house A thief can not enter a thief, and if a thief comes, he will see Asa laying his arms at the door of the court, and the thief will break away in his time and his moment. God willing God knows best and highest This is one of the greatest secrets of the sages of India and Greece And inherited by our illustrious sheikhs is over... For small $ 3500 God is higher and He knows


سر الأسد العجيب
( للمسلمين وغير المسلمين )

هناك حجر بجسد الأسد تستحق الشقى من اجل الحصول عليها
ولو يعلمها مربين او صائدي الاسود
لذبحوه من اجلها وباعوها بعشرات الالاف من الدولارات واكثر

فانه من علقه عليه
لا يغلبه احد في المصارعة ابدا
ولا يسبقه احد في الجري
فهذا ينفع لممارسي رياضة المصارعة والفنون القتالية وكذا رياضة السباق
وكان لحامله هيبة عظيمة كالاسد
ومن حمله بين عينيه ودخل بها عند الملوك والرؤساء خضعوا له وعظموه واهابوه
ومن جعله فصا في خاتمه كانت له هيبة وقبولا عظيما واجلالا عند النساء
حتى يتزاحمن عليه في الاسواق

ومن اكتحل به ينظر ويرى الاشياء مسافة ثلاثة ايام على الطريق
وهذا من اشد العجائب
وبهذا السر كانت تنظر الرزقة سلطانة اليمامة مسيرة ثلاثة ايام
ومن علقه على باب داره
لا يستطيع ان يدخله سارق وان اتى سارق راى اسدا باسط ذراعيه عند باب الدار فيفر السارق في وقته ولحظته
باذن الله تعالى
والله تعالى اعلى واعلم

وهذا من اكابر أسرار حكماء الهند واليونان
وتوارثها مشايخنا الافاضل


مقابل زهيد
٣٥٠٠ دولار
الله اعلى وهو اعلم

The mystery of the wondrous lion
(For Muslims and non-Muslims)

There is a stone in the lion's body worthy of the riches in order to obtain it
Even if they teach them to breeders or black fishermen
Slaughtered for it and sold it for tens of thousands of dollars and more

For he who hanged it
No one will ever overcome him in wrestling
And no one is preceded by running
This will benefit wrestlers and martial arts as well as racing
His bearer had a great prestige as a lion
And he carried it between his eyes and entered it when the kings and princes subjugated him and magnified

him and called him
He made him a knuckle in his ring, and he had great prestige and great respect for women
So that they would come to him in the markets

And he who is tempted by him shall see and see things three days in the way
This is one of the wonders
With this secret, Rizqa saw Sultana al-Yamamah for three days
And he hung it on the door of his house
A thief can not enter a thief, and if a thief comes, he will see Asa laying his arms at the door of the court, and

the thief will break away in his time and his moment.
God willing
God knows best and highest

This is one of the greatest secrets of the sages of India and Greece
And inherited by our illustrious sheikhs

is over...

For small
$ 3500
God is higher and He knows

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